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Foxes - Year 1

Welcome to Foxes Class!

The adults in our classroom are: Mrs Hobbs, Miss Stafford, Miss Holvey, Miss Ramalho and Mrs Dean



Key information:

The classroom doors will open at 8:30am and the children will be greeted, ready to enter at 8.35am. The school day finishes at 3.20pm. 

PE will take place on Monday afternoons. Children must bring in a full PE kit: black shorts or joggers, a plain white t-shirt and trainers. Please note that PE will take place both inside and out, therefore appropriate clothing for all weathers will be required. If children do not have a kit, a phone call or message home will be made.

Forest school will take place on Thursday mornings this term. As always, children must have appropriate clothing to participate in activities safely. This should include a warm, waterproof coat, a change of footwear e.g. wellies (to be kept in school) and long sleeves and trousers. With the muddy conditions we are experiencing, a change of trousers or an all-in-one would be recommended. We will change to swimming after the Easter break.

Earrings must be removed on both PE and swimming/forest school days. We are not permitted to remove these in school and ask that this is done at home if your child can not remove them independently.

Reading books will be collected on Tuesdays and returned on Wednesdays. Please ensure your children bring in their reading folders on that day in order that books can be changed.

Reading is an important skill which enhances learning throughout the curriculum. Therefore, we ask that you listen to your child read 3–5 times a week at home. GROW tickets will be awarded to those completing 5 reads each week. 

In addition, we ask that you please encourage your children to access Numbots at home. This game provides them with opportunities to enhance their mathematical skills. If you have misplaced login details, please inform us and we will be happy to replace them. 


Our Curriculum (Spring 2):


This term we will be playing with vocabulary and rhyme within our poetry unit based on the poem 'At the Zoo' written by W. M. Thackeray. We will also be writing a story based on the structure of ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ written by Ellie Hattie.

We will also continue to work hard on our handwriting and spelling following the Year 1 spelling lists and the SoundsWrite phonics scheme.


This term we will focus on addition and subtraction within 20, before progressing onto place value within 50. Then, later in the term, mass and volume. The children will use both problem-solving and reasoning skills throughout these units.

We will also be regularly recapping and developing fluency skills within our Numbersense lessons.


We will continue to explore the topic 'Everyday Materials and their Properties'. Children will be carrying out experiments to identify the properties of different materials and why they are used for particular purposes.


In PE, we will be developing our ball skills by focusing on passing, throwing, bouncing and defending techniques.


This unit will see us use creative skills through sculpture and 3D paper play. The children will work collaboratively to complete their final project based on vehicles.


Throughout our topic of citizenship, we will be learning about the roles we play within our community alongside our rights and responsibilities as a citizen of the United Kingdom.


We will continue to explore Judaism this term, looking at the question, ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’ We will look at the different beliefs and religious practices of the Jewish faith, including significant celebrations.


In Geography, we will be learning about different parts of the world in order to answer our enquiry question; ‘what are the continents of the world and what animals live there?’


This term we will be exploring the musical concepts of dynamics, pitch, rhythm and tempo based on the theme of ‘Under the Sea’.


We will be grouping data through the exploration of object labels, then using findings to sort and group objects by properties.


Spring 1 - Learning Journey

We have had lots of fun learning a variety of joining techniques in DT and evaluating the most effective technique for us to apply to our very own puppets based on the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. 

We participated in a diversity workshop this week, delivered by Black Lives Matter, Peterborough. This was a great opportunity for the children to consider their identity and celebrate the difference and diversity within our school.



The children have had lots of fun using the VR headsets to deepen our historical knowledge. We are very fortunate to have access to resources like this in order to expand children's learning experiences.  



We have been learning how to provide a set of clear instructions in our computing lessons and the children have enjoyed directing each other. We have also had fun applying our knowledge of direction when using the BeeBots within our continuous provision. 

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In science, this week we discussed ways in which we can identify seasonal changes. We went on a walk around the school grounds searching for signs of winter. The children identified berries on bushes, brown, crunchy leaves, bare trees and evergreen trees. We also spotted children wearing hats and gloves due to the colder weather.  



We had lots of fun learning the poem 'There Are No Such Things As Monsters' by Roger Stevens and taking part in the KS1 poetry slam. We received a surprise visit from BookMan, who voted us as the KS1 CHAMPIONS!

We enjoyed a new storybook and some chocolate as our class prize.


We have begun our winter dance topic in PE this week. We practised floating like snowflakes using twirling, rolling and gentle falling movements to the beat of 8 before moving into icicle freeze frames to the beat of 4.


During our history lesson, we enjoyed an outing to the Eye Green footbridge. The children completed tallies against a variety of transport methods to record the amount of transport we observed.


We have been performing our very own superhero music showing a change of pitch and tempo.


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Our Curriculum (Spring Term):


This term we will be writing a narrative as we explore the story 'The Lion Inside' written by Rachel Bright. The children will write a story based on the tale of two animals meeting and becoming friends. We will also be exploring a poetry unit based on the poem ‘If I had a Beak’ as well as listening to a range of texts during storytime such as ‘Iris and Isaac’ by Catherine Rayner.

We will also continue to work hard on our handwriting and spelling following the Year 1 spelling lists and the Soundswrite phonics scheme.


In history, we are studying the history of transport. The children will be looking at the way transport has changed over time, from the earliest inventions to the most modern methods of travel.


In this subject, we will be finding out about safety and the changing body.  The children will discover how to protect themselves and who to call on if they need help.


This term we will be exploring the musical concept of pitch based on the theme of Superheroes.


In DT, the children will be using textiles and different joining techniques to make a puppet.


This term children will focus on:

  • Place value within 20
  • Measuring length and height.

Children will regularly be able to use problem-solving and reasoning skills. We will also be regularly recapping and practising fluency skills within our Numbersense lessons.


In science, we will be looking at the topic 'Everyday Materials and their Properties'. Children will be able to identify materials, what those materials are like and why they are used for particular purposes.


Children will be writing short algorithms and programs for floor robots and predicting program outcomes.


Our topic this term is Judaism, and we will be looking at the question, ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’ Children will look at the different beliefs and religious practices of the Jewish faith.


In PE, we will be creating a winter dance and continuing to develop ball skills.



Our curriculum (Autumn Term):


This term children will focus on:

  • Place value (within 10)
  • Addition and subtraction (within 10)

Children will regularly be able to use problem-solving and reasoning skills. We will also be regularly recapping and practising fluency skills.


In Science, we will be looking at the topic 'animals including humans'. Children will be able to identify what herbivores, carnivores and omnivores eat. They will also look at what characteristics mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds have. 


Children will look at technology around us. They will be able to talk about different technology within school, and they will understand how to use it responsibly. 


Our topic this term is Who am I? What does it mean to belong? We will look at how religious people show that they belong. How Christians and Muslims welcome babies, and how people show that they belong to each other.


In PE, we will be looking at fitness and ball skills.



This term we will be writing a narrative to entertain as we explore the story 'Lost and Found' written by Oliver Jeffers. The children will write an adventure story based on the tale of a little boy helping a lost animal.  We will also be exploring a poetry unit that looks at Sea Songs as well as listening to a range of texts during story time such as 'The Wonkey Donkey' by Craig Smith and 'I am Enough' by Grace Byers.

We will also continue to work hard on our handwriting and spelling following the Year 1 spelling lists and the Soundswrite phonics scheme.


In history, we are studying the history of shopping. The children will be looking at the way we shop now and how it differed in the past.  We will also be exploring how shops have changed over time.


In this subject, we will be looking at family and relationships.  The children will learn the importance of strong relationships within your family and friendship groups and how to develop and nurture those relationships.


This term we will be exploring keeping the pulse together through music and movement, by exploring their favourite things.


Children will be exploring structures and making a windmill. When thinking about the design of their windmill they will need to meet the design criteria.

Miss Spowage

Autumn 1: Snapshots of our learning!



National Poetry day with Mark Grist!!

We practised a poem we made called 10 out 10 happy


Incredible handwriting from Eden this week in our dictation session.

December 2024

In computing, we have been creating self-portraits. Take a look at some of our excellent work: