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English helps us learn how to read, write, listen, make meaning and speak in the English language. Through English, we learn about words, sentences, stories, and how to express our thoughts clearly. It helps us to understand and to be understood. 

At Eye CE Primary School, our aim for the teaching of English is to provide a rich, immersive, and inspiring curriculum that equips pupils with the necessary skills and knowledge to become confident and proficient communicators, analytical readers, and creative writers. Our intention is to develop a love for language and literature in all our pupils, fostering a deep appreciation for the power of words to express ideas and emotions. We aim to instil in our students a lifelong passion for reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

English plays a vital role in aligning with our school’s vision and values, particularly the concept of "living life in all its fullness" as expressed in John 10:10. This vision emphasises the development of the whole child, encouraging them to thrive in every aspect of life — academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Holistic Development

Through English, our pupils develop critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. These are not just academic tools, but life skills that empower students to express themselves, understand others, and engage with the world around them. By learning our language, pupils are better equipped to articulate their thoughts, explore ideas, and connect with diverse perspectives, thus living more fully.

Spiritual Growth

English education provides rich opportunities for spiritual development. Through literature, poetry, and storytelling, students encounter themes of morality, empathy, and human experience. Engaging with these texts invites students to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and the world around them, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Discussions in English class often touch on questions of purpose, ethics, and identity, which are central to spiritual growth.

Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity

English lessons expose students to a wide range of cultures and perspectives. This not only broadens their understanding of the world, but also encourages a sense of respect and  inclusivity — key values in living life fully and in harmony with others. By understanding different cultures and viewpoints, students learn to appreciate the richness of human experience, which aligns with the school's vision of fullness in life.

Empathy and Compassion

Reading and writing activities in English often require students to step into the shoes of others, fostering empathy and compassion. This emotional intelligence is crucial for living a fulfilling life and aligns with the school's Christian value of compassion

Expression and Reflection

English gives pupils the tools to express their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs clearly and confidently. This self-expression is a core aspect of personal development and allows pupils to contribute meaningfully to their communities. Additionally, writing can help pupils process their experiences and emotions, aiding in their spiritual and emotional well-being.

Overall, English supports our school’s vision of "living life in all its fullness" by equipping students with the necessary skills for holistic development, fostering spiritual growth, encouraging cultural awareness, and nurturing empathy and compassion. Through English, students learn not only to succeed academically but also to live enriched, thoughtful, and meaningful lives.

To learn more about our English curriculum, please see the tabs within this section and attached documentation.