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At Eye CE Primary School we believe that children should be provided with the opportunities and experience to develop the skills and knowledge that they require to become proficient in spelling a wide range of words that they encounter on a daily basis and in their learning throughout the curriculum. We aim to provide children with the skills they require to make informed and independent decisions when spelling, showing their knowledge and understanding of the English language and its conventions.

At Eye, Year 1 and Year 2 teach spellings through Sounds-Write. Our KS2 teachers use our spelling overview documents, which can be seen upon request, that detail weekly focus phonemes. 

Our approach to teaching spellings in KS2 aligns with the teaching of phonics in KS1. The approach also embeds the teaching of vocabulary and supports children’s reading development.

In KS2, spellings are grouped each week through sounds – different ways of spelling a particular sound.

Combining academic word lists with lists of the most common 3,000 words in the English language, sorting out tier 2 words of these combined lists and then looking at the ones that are most appropriate to teach in a primary setting, it’s possible to find a tier 2 list of approximately 250 words that are weaved into our KS2 spelling curriculum.

In our spelling curriculum in KS2, the curriculum…

  • Organises words by phonemes
  • Covers all aspects of the KS2 national curriculum, including statutory spelling list words in years 3 and 4 and 5 and 6.
  • Supports syllabification of chosen words (in red on the overview progression documents for Y3-Y6)
  • Details key morphemes and Latin and Greek words (these are underlined and shown in brackets on the overview progression documents for Y3-Y6)
  • Includes tier 2 vocabulary to help children with their understanding of the English language

Each child has an individual username and password to practise spellings learnt at school at home on Spelling Shed. If you are unsure of your child's login details, please contact your class teacher or Mrs Jackson, who will be happy to help.