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Chimps - Year 2

Welcome to Chimps!

Our team: Mrs Cowley (Teaching Assistant) & Miss Rimes (Class Teacher)


Key information:

The doors to the classroom will be open at 8:30, ready to see all the children in for 8:35.

The school day finishes at 3:20

PE day is Tuesday. Children must bring in a full PE kit (a plain white t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers). Children must have their hair tied back and earrings taken out.

Forest School/Swimming is Wednesday. A separate letter will come out, splitting the children in Chimps class for either Forest School or Swimming. Forest School kit consists of a change of shoes (ideally wellies) and clothes that you don't mind your child getting dirty in. The change of clothes must be long trousers and a long-sleeved top. For swimming, children must have a full swimming costume/trunks, a towel and a swimming hat. Like PE, children must have their earrings taken out. 



In English, we will be starting by looking at writing our own story based off of Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson. This will be followed by a poetry unit looking at Zebra Question by Shel Silverstein.

For maths, we will start our learning by looking at place value, which will then tie in nicely by moving on to addition and subtraction later on in this half-term. 

In science, for the first term, we will be focusing on a range of different materials and their properties. 

Moving on to history, the children will be learning all about the fascinating Great Fire of London. This links with our PE topic which is a Great Fire of London dance!

For RE, the children will be answering the question Who is Muslim and how to they live?

We have such an exciting start to this academic year and I can't wait to get started on Thursday 5th September!

- Miss Rimes :) 


Science - Understanding materials

Over the last few weeks, Chimps have been discovering materials and their properties. They went on a hunt around school to find a range of different materials, such as wood, metal and glass. They have even conducted their own experiment to find out which material would make the best tent for Chocolate Chimp!