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Sharks - Year 3


Hello and welcome to Sharks!

I am Miss Howsam and I will be teaching Sharks this year with the support of Mrs Short. 

Autumn 2 updates:

Sharks will still be doing PE on Monday afternoons, but their forest school sessions will be every other Tuesday. See below for the dates we will be doing forest school.

Forest school days for Autumn 2:

Tuesday 5th November 

Tuesday 19th November

Tuesday 3rd December 

Tuesday 17th December 

Please ensure your child has their correct kits in school for forest school and PE.
Your child will need a change of shoes (wellies/trainers) and long sleeved clothing to participate in activities at the forest safely. Trousers are needed. We will be attending the forest in all weathers so please ensure you send your child with appropriate clothing each week.

General reminders:

  • All children need a named water bottle in school.
  • Remember to label your child’s clothing so it can be returned safely!
  • Tuck shop will be available at break times. If your child would like to bring their own snack for break, this needs to be a healthy item e.g. fruit.

Autumn term 2 curriculum 

In English, we will be diving in to Nen and the Lonely Fisherman by Ian Eagleton. The children will get the opportunity to write a fantasy story based on a classic tale.

In Maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.

In Science, we will be exploring forces and magnets and we will be studying cities of the UK in Geography.

In DT we will be learning about cooking and nutrition and our Music lessons will be led by Mrs Bright, who will introduce the children to tuned percussion instruments, broadening their musical horizons.

In Computing, we will be capturing and editing digital still images to produce a stop-frame animation that tells a story.

In our French lessons, we will continue to focus on phonetics to understand how to correctly pronounce spoken words as well as learning the names for some animals in French.

PE sessions will focus on gymnastics and PSHE lessons will be focusing on health and wellbeing.


Autumn 2 learning

05/11/24 - Here are some snapshots of our first session back at forest school.




Autumn term 1 curriculum

In English, we will be diving in to Seal surfer by Michael Foreman. The children will have the chance to write a letter immersing themselves into various characters.

In Maths, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.

In Science, our Geologists’ caps will be firmly cemented as we explore rocks and fossils and their fascinating properties.

History lessons will take us back in time to study the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

In Art we will be developing our drawing skills through examining different artists’ work and in Design and Technology we will be exploring cooking and nutrition.

Music lessons will be led by Mrs Bright, who will introduce the children to tuned percussion instruments, broadening their musical horizons.

In Computing we will be identifying digital devices and how devices can be connected to make networks.

French will commence! Allez!  The children will be introduced to the subject through phonetics to understand how to correctly pronounce spoken words. 

PE sessions will test the children’s sense of direction as they use maps to navigate themselves in orienteering.

During PSHE lessons we will be focusing on family and relationships.



Autumn 1 learning

18/09/24 - In computing we compared the similarities and differences between drawing on a digital device and drawing by hand. 

26/09/24 - In our art lesson today, we used the technique 'frottage' on paper that we will use to create a piece of artwork. 





​​​​​​Today we had a visit from an author, Mark Grist who performed a rap and poem for us. Then he helped us write our own class poem that we later performed. 

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   11/10/24 - Today, we created some botanical drawings of real-life flowers.