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Diversity and Equality

At Eye C of E Primary School we celebrate the diversity of our school community. We believe that difference and diversity should be valued and respected by all who learn, work and visit our school.  We endeavour to support our pupils, staff, stakeholders and those that interact with the school to be their authentic selves without judgement and ensuring that diverse communities are celebrated.

At Eye C of E Primary School, we are committed to:

  • Creating an environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, where individual differences and the contributions of all are recognised and valued.
  • Promoting dignity and respect for all.
  • Training all employees and educating all pupils about their rights and responsibilities under this policy.
  • Promoting equality of opportunity for all stakeholders and those that interact with the school.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Working Party

Our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion working party meet termly to consider current practices, explore new ideas, and suggest areas for development. The working party is made up of teachers, support staff, parents and governors. Within these meetings, there is an opportunity for these stakeholders to share their insights and also to work collaboratively with other parents, staff, and stakeholders to ensure that every child feels valued and included in our school community.